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Our Philosophy



The most important thing that I do here at CLAIRE BEAR'S ONENESS DAYCARE is to teach your child  that Well-being abounds and that Well-being is naturally flowing to them. And that if they will relax and play and do their best to appreciate, then they will be less likely to keep the Well-being away, and more likely to allow it to flow into their experience. The child is thinking, and receiving thoughts from everyone they encounter from the first day that they enter our environment. That is the reason that beliefs are transmitted so easily from parent to child, from grandparent to child, from daycare provider to child. The child is vibrationally receiving our fears, our beliefs, even without our spoken word... If we want to do that which is of greatest value for all children we will give thought only to that which we want, and children will receive only those wanted thoughts. We do our best to ensure an environment free of negative energy and are always mindful of sending only positive loving thoughts to your child while they are in our care.   


I encourage your child  to stay connected to who they really are and when your child maintains this connection of oneness they will remain clear-minded; they will remain optimistic; they will remain enthusiastic. They will remain balanced; they will remain flexible. They will remain in a state of grace. They will remain in a state of Well-Being. And they will make wonderful choices.


A child who cannot say no has no integrity and if a child cannot say no to something his yes is meaningless. The yes has meaning only when the child is capable of saying no too, then it is up to the child's intelligence to decide. I will tune in to the intelligence of your child and respect his freedom to choose, to say no, to do things or not to do things.


Children are immensely intelligent, They just need a chance, they need opportunities to grow, the right climate. Watch small children and you will see their intelligence, you can learn much from them. Small children are in a natural state of  innocence, always living in the present moment, spontaneous and through these natural characteristics offer insights of tremendous value to us if we only pay attention to what they are trying to tell us. I do everything in my power to protect your child's innocence by simply staying out of their way whenever I can. I take extreme pleasure and joy learning what each child wants to teach me. Nobody is born other than innocent, nothing is written on them, they are a clean sheet of canvass no past only future. I do my best to stay out of their way as they paint the canvass of their life in their own unique way.




The mother was preparing little Pedro to go to a party. When she finished combing his hair she straightened his shirt collar and said "Go now Son. Have a good time and behave yourself." "Come on Mother!" said Pedro "Please decide before I leave which it is going to be". Pedro could see the contradiction so clearly as how could he behave himself and have a good time at the same time. 


A passerby asks a boy, "Son can you please tell me what time it is". "Yes of course" replies the boy "but what do you need it for? It changes continuously!."


Little Claire comes home from school with a big smile on her face. "Well dear, you look very happy. So you like school, do you?." "Don't be silly Mom." replies the girl. "We must not confuse the going with the coming back."


A little boy, seized with the hiccups, cried "Mommy, I am coughing backwards".


From the kitchen came the sound of the crash of either broken glass or broken china. "Willy" cried his mother from the living room. "What on earth are you doing in the kitchen?" "Nothing." Willy said, "it's already done".


The teacher was trying to teach subtraction. "Now Hugh, if your father earned $180 a week and if the deducted $6 for insurance, $10.80 for social security and $24 for taxes and then if he gave your mother half, what would she have?"  " A heart attack" the kid said.


Supper was over. The father of the house and his 9 year old son were in the living room watching TV. Mother and daughter were in the kitchen washing up the supper dishes. Suddenly the father and son heard a terrible crashing sound of something being broken in the kitchen. They waited for a moment in shock but did not hear a sound.  "It was Mom who broke the dish" said the boy. "How do you know?" his father asked. "Because" replied the son " she's not saying anything".


The clock had just struck 3 am when the ministers teenage daughter returned from a dance. The minister and his wife had been waiting up for the girl and as she came in the front door he said to her rather scornfully "Good morning child of the devil". Speaking sweetly as any child should she said " Good morning, Father"


I hope you enjoyed these shining examples of a child's intelligence and innocence.




Learning is not knowledge. The more knowledgeable a person is, the less he is capable of learning. Hence children are more capable of learning than grown-ups. If grown-ups want to remain learners, they have to go on forgetting whatsoever they have learned. Whatsoever has become knowledge in them becomes a hindrance to learning. If you collect your knowledge, your inner space becomes too heavy with the past. You accumulate too much garbage. Learning happens only when there is spaciousness. The child has that spaciousness, innocence. The beauty of the child is that he functions from the state of not-knowing. That is the fundamental secret of learning: functioning from the state of not-knowing. Watch, see, observe, but never form a conclusion. If you have already arrived at a conclusion, learning stops. If you already know, what is there to learn? Learning is receptivity, learning is vulnerability, learning is openness. Our goal is to allow your child to always be in a state of learning, always functioning from that beautiful state of not-knowing by ensuring an environment that allows spaciousness to thrive.


Just think of the first day a child is born. He opens his eyes, he will see these green trees, but will not be able to recognize that they are green. How can he recognize them as green? He has never known green before. He will not even be able to recognize that they are trees. He will see the trees, but he will not be able to recognize them because he has never known them before. His perception will be pure, uncontaminated by memory: hence children are in a state of non-memory. This is the state in which every child lives early in life. For a few months the child sees, listens, touches, tastes, but no recognition arises, no memory is formed. That's why it is very difficult to remember the early days of your life. If you try to remember, you can easily go back to the fifth year. A little more effort- the fourth, a little more effort - and hard effort - and you can go back to the third. Then suddenly there is a blank, then you cannot remember. Why not? You were alive. In fact, you were so alive as you will never be so alive again. Those first three years were the most alive time of your life. Why is the memory of them not there? Why can't you penetrate into them? Because the recognition was not there. Impressions were there, but there was no recognition. You see, but by seeing, knowledge is not created. You don't gather anything. You live moment to moment: you slip from one moment into another without carrying the first moment into the other. You don't have any past; each moment arises absolutely fresh. That's why children are so alive and so fresh, and their life is so full of joy, delight, wonder. Small things make them so happy, and small incidents make them so tremendously excited, ecstatic. They are continuously surprised; just a dog passing by and they are surprised. A cat comes in the room and they are surprised. You bring a flower, and the color is tremendous. Children live in a psychedelic world: everything is luminous. Their eyes are clear, no dust has gathered yet; their mirror reflects perfectly. This is the state of non-memory. Those first 3 years are priceless and I fully participate in their state of non-memory, becoming a child myself once again enjoying all of the simple things that bring so much joy to them. I also try to provide your child with as much contrast as I can to stimulate their sense of delight and wonder throughout the day.




If you look at the faces of children when they arrive, fresh from the very source of life, you will see a certain presence which cannot be named. The child is alive and you can smell the freshness around a child. A child comes into this world with a tremendous fragrance. Look into the eyes of a child. You cannot find anything deeper. The eyes of a child are an abyss, there is no bottom to them. 


Our mission statement here at Claire Bear's Oneness Daycare is a simple one. We aim to return your child to your loving arms each day with that same tremendous fragrance, that same freshness that they were dropped off with in the morning. 


*Quotes shared within our Philosophy  are from Osho*

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