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Meals & Playtime And Sleep/Spaciousness Time

​"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold or silver"~ Mahatma Gandhi
"To me there is nothing more sacred then Love and Laughter and there is nothing more Prayerful than Playfulness" ~ Osho

Meals and Snacks



Our menu for snacks and lunch serve up a healthy dose of fresh fruits and veggies. Mostly vegetarian meals are prepared daily and served fresh. We can discuss breakfast being provided if need be as I am open and flexible to work with you according to your schedule. Some of the dishes prepared range from homemade stews and soups, veggie stir fry noodles along with brown rice, Pad Thai noodles, whole wheat pastas , mixed grains or whole wheat breads along with wraps. We try our best to eat and serve NON GMO foods and Organic along with filtered water from Clearly Water filter and I have provided a link with more information if you wish to find out more about Clearly Water Filter- We use Almond milk but if you wish for your kids to drink regular cows milk its not a problem for us to provide this. We also provide store bought spring water. Any baby formulas or baby food or juices will have to be provided by yourself daily. This is just a rough idea of what we serve.




As far as play time goes we live across from Dovercourt park with loads of space for running and playing with a huge children's playground and children's swimming pool.  Gladstone Library is a short 5 minute walk from our home and for those days that mother nature keeps us inside we have a large assortment of toys along with educational games and heaps of books for reading time. We do not have cable so there is no TV time provided but I do have a lap top computer where I do play music for the kids and also a radio with cd player for music. I  play music everyday as it is good for keeping the kids active and to generate positive energy in their environment.


Playfulness is always encouraged as per each child's own nature. Life should be each moment a precious creativity. What each child creates does not matter but whatever they do should come out of their playfulness and joy. We encourage our kids to shout when they want to, sing when they want to, dance to music when they want to,  jump up & down when they want to,  be alone when they want to, play when they want to, dance in the rain or jump in puddles with your permission if they want to and even cry when they want to. Your child's safety is our number one priority however once safe your child's freedom to be who they are is our number two priority. 





Regarding nap time we do what we like to call Sleep / Spaciousness time where the kids have scheduled quiet time that they themselves decide what they will do with this special time according to there own internal clock. I have found over the past 3 years that trying to force a child to go to sleep does not work. With Sleep / Spaciousness time the child begins to understand very quickly that this block of alone time can be used to sleep if they are tired or to have alone time to themselves. We have come to discover that once a child realizes they are not going to be forced to do something they look forward to this Sleep / Spaciousness time without putting up a fuss as it is their time to decide for themselves. You would not believe some of the very special conversations heard on the baby monitor as a result of this simple choice afforded to the child. When they choose not to sleep this alone time gives them a chance to recharge while enjoying the solitude of their own company. Children need privacy, they should be allowed to do things or not do things as children like very much to be alone. Spaciousness is needed for their growth.


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